I am still on with the gym and the tan but I am venturing away from Thailand for a few weeks. First stop Singapore.
To Do List:
- get laptop fixed
- get Thai Visa
- shop a little
- board my flight to Australia
I booked into an hotel online before leaving Thailand. I thought I knew where the hotel was so decided to go there myself on the MRT (train), but it turned out I was mistaken. I ended up getting off the MRT at the wrong station and dragging my suit-case (with a broken wheel) around the busy streets of Singapore at 10pm- Luckily I was in the safest city in the world, at least it wasn't 'The Bronx'. I finally acknowledge defeat and jump in a taxi that got me there in two minutes. I crashed out for the night.
Singapore is one of the hottest cities in the world and I'm sure the most organized in Asia. Everybody walks in lines and crosses at the 'green man', J walking is illegal and i did get pulled by a police man once for doing it. People dress very formal and smart, in the heat this is quite a skill. The people are lovely- very friendly and the best thing about it is there are no 'Brits on tour'. Singapore does have a lot of British influence, they drive on the left, speak English for first language, it's like being in China town in London but a lot hotter.
I did a lot of walking in Singapore, I thought that by boycotting the MRT I would see more of the city and I was right. Not sure I had the correct foot wear though, my 'Slim Havianas' left quite the blisters by the end of the trip. I don't like to give Havianas bad press though, I take full responsibility for pushing their limits and they are still my favorite flip flop.
I dropped my laptop off and purchased 2 years further warranty on it. I also met a 'delightful' lady at the Thai Embassy who told me I couldn't have a Thai Visa because I were to young- Oh would this be the same Visa I got 2 years ago when, evidently, I were younger. This was all from the lady giving out applications and she sent me packing- no Visa.
I joined the gym there, did a little shopping- rude not to shop in Singapore and watched a few films at the cinema to pass the time. Four days later I picked up my newly working 'mac' and headed for the airport, this time bound for Sydney.